We think it's possible to do things as local counsel in Washington DC the way they were done 50 years ago.  That was the right way.


The Issue

The courts, government agencies, and composition of law firms that practice in the DC area are unique. Donald Holmes, senior partner of HOLMES PITTMAN & HARAGUCHI, even teaches a course for his University of Iowa law school students called “The National Practice of Law in Washington, DC,” which covers this topic.

Lawyers and business professionals from every state and foreign countries must often come to the District of Columbia to resolve disputes and litigation, and it's important that they know the intricacies of this unique system.  

What was actually done

Fifty years ago in Washington DC, there were law firms that specialized in acting as local counsel for people, companies, and law firms who did not live, work, or have their professional offices here. Being local counsel meant something–it meant the firm was extremely knowledgeable about how to get things accomplished quickly in this area, particularly in the local courts. 

When a local counsel worked for out-of-town law firms, they showed respect to the out-of-town law firm who was recognized as lead counsel, and who had the long-term relationship with the client and knowledge of what needed to be done. And conversely, local counsel was shown respect for their specialized skill in dealing with local matters and local courts. Local counsel made suggestions to lead counsel about how to do things, but they would never think of interfering with lead counsel’s pursuit of the case.

And fifty years ago, local counsel firms would be horrified at the thought that someone would consider they could steal part of the client’s business from the lead counsel. That never happened – and it was the right way to do things. Lead counsel’s preeminent and long-term relationship with its client was never violated by local counsel.

The right way to do things

Do you see why we call this approach - what was done in the old days – the “right way?” Now everything is cut-throat and with no respect for individual expertise: all clients are presumed to be fair game for taking their business.

We think it's possible to do things as a local counsel the way they were done in the old days.

We enjoy working with and supporting lead counsel; given instructions on what they need done in the Washington, DC area, then going off and doing it efficiently while recognizing this as our sole role in the case.

We have done this for foreign lead counsel, foreign corporations, even foreign governments, and major corporate counsel from the United States. It does not make any difference. It is simply recognizing that a service needs to be provided and doing it with the same business ethics that prevailed over fifty years ago when Mr. Holmes started as a young lawyer as the thirteenth person in a very old line law firm at 16th and K Street, Northwest, Washington, DC. This firm, and similar firms had their specialties, but some also had a specialty of acting as local counsel. It was a good thing, and a good concept. It still is.

Finally, we keep our fee structure to a level that makes us affordable to do this work. Read more about our fee structure here.

Consider HOLMES PITTMAN & HARAGUCHI, if you have this need for local counsel in the Washington DC area.