What are the Deadlines for Filing Bid Protests? You Must Act Quickly.

When you lose out on a government contract solicitation, you cannot afford to wait to file a protest because the timetable is extremely short. You have three separate avenues of protest: 1) a protest directly with the agency; 2) a protest at the United States Government Accountability Office (“GAO”), and 3) a protest at the Court of Federal Claims. Let us explain below.

Bidding to Win More Contracts - Submitting the Compelling Proposal…You Must Think and Act Outside of the Box to Do So!

Contractors must find a way to submit a compelling proposal to the other side. A compelling proposal is one that is so superior and so good that the party must accept it. It is almost an offer that they cannot refuse. Mechanical approaches will not produce this type of compelling proposal. We set out below issues that need analysis and thought to produce a compelling proposal. The material is intended to stimulate your thinking.